Empowering women in finance

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About Pink Investments

Our history

The creation of Pink Investments has been a natural progression based on the feedback we have received from thousands of women over time.  

Acknowledging women in the marketplace

Many businesses now recognise the strength of women as financial decision makers and their hold over a large percentage of the market economy. They realise that women have much more financial clout than they have been given credit for.  Whilst they are keen to engage this market, the evolution of their products and marketing remains very slow.

If you think that the changes in the general market have been very slow, the changes in the financial world have been positively glacial by comparison. In an effort to engage women, some financial products have been given a superficial makeover, which has resulted in the same old financial products being offered with a new women's look entry page. 

The Pink Investments website

Clearly a Pink Investments style website was long overdue. It was vital that we had the right team to create and deliver the delicate balance of investment and non investment content required to meet the needs of our audience.

Pink Investments adopted flexible working models. This enabled us to benefit from the contributions of a wider range of women, in addition to the core team. consultants, artists, writers, web builders, designers, all add to our dynamic mix. 

We aim to Engage, Educate and Empower women.  Providing general information and resources for women about money to enable you to understand much more about the processes and products. 

At the core of our company is our community.  No matter how much we think we know, there is someone out there who knows a lot more, and we can all learn from her.  It is a model that has been proven by the likes of Wikipedia.

We do not give any recommendations, advice or solicit banking business, we do not provide brokerage services or money management services. Our aim is to see women taking a more active role in their own money management. All content is kindly donated for free by a range of contributors.This sponsorship enables us to provide all our content to you for FREE.

Pink Investments taking a fresh approach to financial independence for women.  



 Want to know more?

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Disclaimer: All the information above is provided as a service for individuals and institutions. It should in no way be construed as a recommendation as an investment. Investment decisions should be based on the risk tolerance and planning horizon of the investor. Market participants must understand that past performance is also not a guarantee or predictor of future results.