Tanya Dransfield DHP MNCP (Snr. Accred.) has been a therapist for the past 11 years. Her busy practice is in Essex, UK, but she has the Skype facility for her international clients.
Her approach to therapy has always been one of authenticity. Her belief is if she can’t do it, she can’t guide or help a person to do it either. Her constant self development, research and study has gained her some excellent skills and she feels she is now, more of a holistic therapist; a therapist that considers the mind and body connection, and if the client is willing the spiritual aspect of life.
Tanya says that we really cannot separate one from the other as she believes the ‘body always speaks its mind’.
She loves to use humour in her work too. If she can help you laugh, then you can no longer be afraid.
She gained qualifications in many areas of therapy – Clinical Hypnosis, Hypno-analysis, psychotherapy, Neuro Linguist Programming, Inner Child Work, Archetypal Parts Therapy to name a few. Her self-motivated research has given her a grounded understanding in psycho-nutrition. This is where we look at certain foods and how they might be impacting your mood. Many of us, without even realising it, have become sensitive to food groups like gluten or casein or lactose. These sensitivities can have devastating effects on our mood. It is amazing how zinc, as an example, can have a huge benefit to keeping us calm. Although, she encourages you to speak to your Doctor before embarking on any supplemental therapy.
She is currently developing a working therapy model that she terms Heart Centred Therapy. It is a combination of hypnosis and meditation. She recognised earlier in her career that not one of her clients ever came to her to ‘think better’ they all wanted to ‘feel better’. So this model uses feelings to heal by dropping into your ‘heart’, then thoughts come more into alignment.
Tanya recognises that we are all, only ever, limited by our own beliefs. This is the area that she is most passionate about. One in which she can throw the kitchen sink into the ‘therapy mix’ and help you unlock your health, happiness, self worth and deepest wishes.
Her favourite expression is ‘None of us is victims of our genetics, or indeed our beliefs. We can change anything about our lives if we are willing to work diligently towards our goals’
Tanya can be contacted directly TanyaDransfiled.com
If you would like to work with her, you can arrange an appointment through contacting her via email.